An Employee Wellness Programme (EWP) is a confidential service providing professional Counselling, Training and Coaching assistance to employees.
It assists individuals in managing Life/Career problems that affects job performance. EWP help employees address issues early on, before they manifest into performance issues in the workplace.
EWPs are a critical management tool for employers, aiding in areas such as workplace trauma.
EWPs are particularly effective when it comes to Management Consultation; where teams need to change, grow and develop.
Benefits of a Wellness Programme:
- Significantly Reduces Absenteeism Costs
- Significantly Lower Employee Replacement Costs
- Enhanced Morale
- Reduction In Staff Turnover
- Retain Talent
- Improved Recruitment Prospects
- Improved Industrial Relations
- Greater Productivity
- Growth
- Increased Knowledge with Reference to Sustainable Life Skills
- Greater EQ, and Reduced Conflict
- Significant Employee Stress Reduction
- Enhanced Employee Contentment and Commitment to Stay
Entry Level or Baseline Services:
The Baseline service is mostly aimed at lower level/factory or industrial employees - with the focus on development and basic life skills.
Thinkology also presents: “Lunch and Learn sessions, that is highly beneficial i.t.o. time and cost management, as well as improved knowledge. ” Out of these sessions, more specific needs are identified which proactively identify counselling/coaching needs.
Our Services include:
- Access to a 24-hour, 365 day-per-year direct contact line
- Access via SMS and WhatsApp
- Counselling and Consultation (face-to-face and/or SKYPE)
- Trauma management services including on-site. (group and individual)
- Provision of Communication and health promotion information on request
- Management and Employee Orientation
- Management Consultation Services
- Provision of Training on Health and Wellbeing matters
- Family care Advice and Resources
Traditional EWP Baseline Sessions:
- Understanding and Coping with HIV/ Aids
- Addiction and Substance Abuse Information and Management
- Workplace Stress Management Skills
- Dealing with Loss & Trauma
- Identifying and Managing Anxiety and Depression
- Preparation for Retrenchment & Retirement
- Performance Issues, Conflict Management Skills etc.
- All about money (A journey to Resolve the Essence of Employee’s Money Mismanagement)
Mid-Level EWP and Coaching:
This type of service is the most commonly selected as it renders an Across-The-Board services to all levels of the organization. Most often, after the launch of the Well-Being Training, individual sessions commence - as on average 25-40% of all employee are in crisis of some kind at any given time.
Our Services include:
- Access to a 24-hour, 365 day-per-year direct contact line
- Access via SMS and WhatsApp
- Counselling and Consultation (face-to-face and/or SKYPE)
- Trauma management services including on-site (group and individual)
- Provision of Communication and health promotion information on request
- Management and Employee Orientation
- Management Consultation Services
- Provision of Training on Health and Wellbeing matters
- Family care Advice and Resources
Over and above the services mentioned above the following are also provided:
- Skills in Creating and Sustaining Positivity / Good Attitude
- Dealing with Difficult Employees
- Effective Communication
- Managing Diversity with Respect
- Reward, Recognize and Reap the Benefits
- Preventing Sexual Harassment through Education/Knowledge
- How to Handle/Prevent Violence in the Workplace
- Anger Management Skills
- Building Employee Self-Confidence
- Getting the most out of life: Balancing Multiple Demands
- EQ & Relationships
- Dealing with Job Stress and Burnout
- Putting the JOY back in Your Job
- Team Building and Team Development
These sessions are great for improving Communication, Education and Team Coherence in a company. They are an excellent and effective way to manage and reduce training costs.
Executive EWP and Coaching:
This is primarily a Leadership and Executive Coaching Service for Top Management - with the following benefits:
- Guidance to Develop a clear understanding of Personal Areas of Strength, Weakness and Areas for Development
- The Know-How to make Effective Decisions
- The Ability to Self-Correct
- Long-term Performance Excellence
- Self-Management on a Continuous Basis
- The Ability to Manage Stress and Change Effectively
- The Ability to Find Solutions and Overcome Challenges
- Greater Personal Accountability for Personal Choices
- Enabling Commitment to Action and development of lasting personal Growth and Change
- Results and Outcome-Focused Actions Aligned with the Organizations Values.
Themes may include, or be proposed by Management:
- Attitudinal Leadership
- Sustainable Career and Life Balance
- Interpersonal Skills, EQ
- Creativity and Lateral Thinking
- Self-Worth and Leadership Confidence
- Conflict Management & Mediation
- Team Development Tools
- Assertiveness Communication Styles
- Time Management & Productivity
- Anger Management skills
- Stress Management skills